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When the Dishwasher Waits: Creativity Takes Over

Today was a good day. Yesterday was also a good day. Nights when I don’t get sleep are simply forgotten. They’re not my focus. Even though I might mention it in passing to my parents or a friend who asks how things are. What doesn’t go well isn’t my focus. I’m focused on creative development!

Join Typ Åsa on a journey towards dreamy creative days, flowing images, and hands drawing on different materials.


I often think about how I started my Instagram account. The theme was to draw for a hundred days straight. It was challenging, but I painted every day. I took out a piece of paper or my iPad and drew something. It turned into 100 drawings. I like most of them. The 100-day project gave me:

  • An exploration of different styles that I’ve been able to continue working with as an illustrator.
  • Daily meditation.
  • The illustrations inspired new creations. I moved from one idea to the next.
  • I became a better illustrator.

When people say, “you get good at what you do every day,” it’s like a contract you have with yourself. In this contract, you commit to nurturing your (insert what you nurture, but for me it’s) creativity. After becoming a mom, much of my time now goes into my child. But I also got faster at doing certain things. All the boring chores at home, I try to do quickly. I might not do chores every day either. As a single mom, you don’t share the responsibility of the household with anyone. My son hasn’t even learned to crawl yet, so expecting him to start the dishwasher is a bit much. 😉 I have to be smart about managing the house.

Since I know that creating should ideally be done every day, it became a challenge to make it happen with a newborn. During the spring, I set a challenge for myself. I call it: 📣 The Quest for Creativity 2024. I haven’t painted or worked on my goals and vision every day, but I’ve still accomplished quite a bit. 

By focusing on creating and setting up the conditions to do so, I’ve done pretty well.

My feeling from the past six months (my son is 6 months old) is that I HAVE BEEN CREATIVE. Here are a few things I’ve done:

  • Painted with watercolors
  • Made collages
  • Drawn digitally 
  • Animated with my iPad

Yearly plan

But I’ve also set a 10-year plan, a 3-year plan, and a 1-year plan for where I want to be creatively. It wasn’t hard to set the vision. I believe that meaning gives birth to more meaning. And that’s what happened when my son was born. :) The difficult part is finding the time for all the to-dos required to move forward. That’s why you’re here reading this, I hope. Because you enjoy following creative work and are interested in my expression. More about moving forward will come!

September heat and bald stories

Last week, I enjoyed what I thought was the last summer day. It was wonderful to bask in the warm August sun while thinking about how to set up a content plan for my animated pattern about hair loss. September is, after all, Alopecia Awareness Month. I’m so excited to share it later this month. Today was also super hot. Is September a summer month after all? How is that possible, September? 

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