Day 100
To be continued...
It’s unreal that 💯 days passes so quickly. I feel that this is medicine for me so in some way I will continue to create and publish illustrations on Instagram. 😄✴️❇️💟
So glad that I started this 100-days illustrations project. Thanks for all the support from you guys!

Day 99
Chillin in the sofa 🛋 on the first day of 2018.

Day 98
Happy new year! I give you a quick guide /the monster 💀😻🤣

Day 97
Soon 2018 is here and I wish for a happy 😃 year with love 💕 fun 🤣 and a lot of illustrations! 🖍

Day 96
Finally done with day 96 😅 – a little bit too ambitious to redo all days at this point. But it was quite fun!

Day 95
Cheers 🥂 for day 95 and a new year around the corner with new projects waiting! Last evening I looked at @kaurie_vleugels beautiful illustrations and got inspired to do my own version of a girl drinking wine. ☺️🙂🌴
Day 94 continues
I actually see this guy when talking the subway home. His cheeks is pink like these. Lack of beard though.

Day 94
Man with glasses and tree.

Day 93
I spell elephant in Swedish- elefant.

Day 92
The future looks green.

Day 91
Can I take a break until New Year? Might be asleep until then since I arranged and hosted Christmas 😅

Day 90
You decided to host Christmas so just do it! You got this!

Day 89
Sia celebrates Christmas!
What I didn’t know was that now she’s “out” with her own look. I thinks she’s cool.

Day 88
Power to the people and victory to the female!

Day 87
Go shorty it’s my birthday!

Day 86
Hands down colour up.
Day 85
Birthday week is here and today I am sharing ideas of what a creative person would like as a present🔫🖼📗✅ 💚🐸❇️🍏🥝🍈🍵⛳️🛶🔋

Day 84
This it what I looked yesterday at my party.

Day 83
Kicking off my birthday week with this football image.

Day 82
It’s your personality that counts. Not your age! Right now I am processing that my birthday is around the corner. Having a party so I really know that I am one year older!

Day 81
Meet my friend @billy_rob
He works with planning the traffic in Stockholm but he travels the world in his job. His bike means a lot to him and he means a lot to me 😊‼️

Day 80
Celebrate good times and skip the anxiety I tell myself.

Day 79
The man on the subway was writing really slow on his mac book 💻I wonder what he meant with GA.

Day 78
When in doubt do a back up or be ready to step down. .

Day 77
I just heard the young sporty girls talk about if their other friends are feminists. The brother of one of the girls is not a feminist. Her parents thinks their son is wrong. .

Day 76
Painting on my new big paper with real ink.

Day 76
Painting on my new big paper with real ink.

This is a mix of two people in the subway this morning. The pink hat belongs to a 45 year old man and the fluffy jacket to a 20 something woman. Mixing them created a quite fashionable person!

The arty-farty music lover.

I met Pikachu and he was wearing Spider-Man.

This is her surprise party or just the alarm going off!

Lift up!

Day 70
My iPad broke down. Not sure if I done a backup. 😩
I also fried eggs and put up stars this weekend.

Day 70
My iPad broke down. Not sure if I done a backup. 😩
I also fried eggs and put up stars this weekend.

Day 70
My iPad broke down. Not sure if I done a backup. 😩
I also fried eggs and put up stars this weekend.

Day 69
When your app, Paper by @fiftythree is back to what it was from the start but now you experience child deices and can’t use the erase button 🙂/😡 .

Day 68
Pattern for the amusement field 🎡🎢: this comic is about the sounds that appear in the subway. And then you realize that you are the reason of the sounds – your radio 📻 is still playing. 😄

Day 67
No straight line.

Day 66
I don’t know what “Neh” mean but probably like NO, NEJ, NIET. .

Day 65
This is me today when reading the testimonies from the petition that me and 2125 women have signed. Behind the hashtag #sistabriefen is the women in advertising, PR and communication business and we demand that workplaces
put an end to harassments, sexual assaults and sexual jargon.

Day 64
“A thinker” - created with fingers on the app #madewithpaper .

Day 63
The game player.

Day 62
Growing in one direction.

Day 62
Growing in one direction.

Day 61
Copy colours from yesterday.

Day 61
Copy colours from yesterday.

Day 61
Copy colours from yesterday.

Day 61
Copy colours from yesterday.

Day 60
Every parent think about their own child like it’s a Mondrian.

Day 59
Idea 💡 your jacket can defend you against someone that need a real punch 🤜

Day 58
I might get locked up since I am in the digital maze of wrong passwords, missing serial numbers, non registered products. This day of vaycay turned out more stressful than relaxing.

Day 57
Just filter air, or inappropriate language

Day 56
My hundred days project continues and I am having so much fun! This is a half self portrait. The shoes looks my boots!

Day 56

Day 55
Made a video while drawing this. Will share it soon. Pre and after seeing a 👎French movie.

Day 54
Me yesterday on the Queens street.

Day 53
Step by step oh baby.

Day 52
My mother stoped eating cheese and drinking milk when breastfeeding me. Sacrifices mothers do.

Day 51
A mix of orange, blue and gold.

I will tell you about this project soon in a blog post 😀💥

DAY 50/100
Halfway post! Fifty more to go and I will create the second half with joy and maybe some more with my new app!

Day 49
It's Father's Day in Sweden.

Day 48
When you see a rainbow 🌈 and can’t stop to take a photo you just keep on driving!

Day 47
Go Sweden!

Day 46
What did you do? 😶😮

Day 45
This is a happy face infront of my new pillow. 😀

Day 44
A quick drawing in my phone on the subway.

Day 42 Real ink no digital. I call it round round.

Day 41/100
Reading a conversation in the local Facebook group and find this lovely story. Just had to save it as an illustration.

Day 40/100
Weekend of grief coming up. Buy candles and meet your loved ones.

Day 39/100

Day 38/100
Pattern for players - as a comic. She wasn't surprised when she got a photo taken from the high speed train. Lucky for her her friend was also in Japan and delivererd photo after photo of photogenic Tokyo.

Day 37/100
When a neighbor sings out loud but should just use her fantastic green fingers - that’s what this pattern is all about. This was a quick pattern I made and I see some things that I will think about improving next time. But hey 👋 progress is all about that!

A tribute to Japan. 🇯🇵The muse - my boyfriend. He is there and I am not. 😹
Yesterday I bought a pattern book by @lottakuhlhorn and today I used one of her rules/tips! Such a great book! 😄

DAY 35
Sitting in a fancy hotel drinking coffee and overhearing a conversation between two middle aged persons on a date.

DAY 34
It can be a party hat.

DAY 33
A corridor of will!
Just do it for yourself. 😀👊😸 Today I am posting this drawing that I did the day before. But I will be drawing later today. Be so sure!

DAY 32
My future daughter will learn programming.

DAY 31
The players.

DAY 30
Mornings illustration in the train to work.

DAY 29
In Denmark a majority in parlament want to set up baby boxes. Unwanted children can then be left in the box anonymous. Problem with this is that women can be forced to give up their babies.

DAY 28
Today I put up my #marielouiseekman print and got inspired. A paraphrase you could say.

DAY 27
A quick drawing made on Saturday evening. Spent the day rearranging on my portfolio page.

DAY 26
This illustration is a real story of a 14 year old girl posting a message on Facebook to a grown up journalist that she looks up to. She ask if he can offer a work experience program. The reply she got was then saved for ten years.

DAY 25
Party in the front!

DAY 24
Well hello angry! As long as you can say you’re not as happy as yesterday we still communicate

DAY 23
Sweet looking and will melt to make you like 🍨♥️

DAY 22
The city kids move out to the suburbs and is called hipsters by the kids from the sub. The kids from the country side can only live in the city and since their parents own a lot of land they can buy their kid an apartment in the city. They are called another nickname by the city kids.
So this was inspired from the weekend and illustrated on the way to work in the subway.

DAY 21
“Welcome to the neighbourhood”
The Swedish / Stockholm housing market is so bad that when someone moves in to a 4 bedroom apartment the neighbours start talking behind your back. Also joke about killing you

DAY 20
Look up. Look sharp.

DAY 19
YES It’s Friday!

DAY 18
Sexual assault is never okay. Eat shit

DAY 17
The yes sayers can be both happy and sad.

DAY 16
When almost everyone is carrying bacterias on the morning train. Today’s painting was created with the paper app and even if its about bacteria’s its damn colourful!

DAY 15
His request was not my law. I was more - don’t you know me by now? Sci-fi has never been my thing. But the evening was nice under my paintings in my pink sofa.

DAY 14
Creating a little world after spending the weekend out in a forest with mushrooms, shoes, pears and lovely autumn weather.

DAY 13
Googles in the pattern.

DAY 11
Running around from an art exhibition to a concert.

DAY 12
We are discussing if we want to live for ever. Will the longing for eternal life fade when you get older?

DAY 10
Forgot my pencil at home so I just used my fingers to draw. Also I am allergic to 😸

If you have a frown that leads the way maybe you should turn around.

Say what!? – the father on the subway thought he would have more time after the separation. He was laughing to him self since he was totally wrong. 🤣 Divorce is not a time saving solution when having small children 👶

One week done! I am so glad that this weekend was spent in solitude drawing and painting 🎨
It kind of takes time to find your flow and/or experiment with new expressions. This is no new expression though but typically me 💀

So another dark post. I guess yesterday's meeting with the children's rights in society kind of reflected on today's drawing.

Real ink and paper is the material for today. I always find the balance between colour and white space interesting. I am a friend of colour so sometimes I am afraid I use to little.

of #hundreddaysproject and I give you 🥁🥁🥁 "THE BIG PICTURE" .

A little bit of #darkness just like around you in society. Started to draw this on the subway this morning. • I have not set up any rules for this 💯 days project ( except posting something every day ) but I have been drawing so much more each day, which is great! 👩🎨

I think squares look nice but not as personalities ▪️=👱🏼 | 🙈
"Don't be a square when you got balls".
When i finished this one I realised I accidentally have made mix of two movies – Borg vs McEnroe and The Square. The last one I still have to catch soon in a theatre. 🍿

Day 1 of 100 is starting right now. To feel more creative and to be more creative I need to power up, maybe team up, but most of all, be consistent. Therefore I am starting a 100-day illustration project.
Most of the time I illustrate things from my surroundings. On this day, the first of the hundred days illustration project I’ve captured the stupidity of ai or stupidity of mankind.