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Bold stories | Blog

  1. Day 4

    September 28, 2017
    On the forth of #hundreddaysproject and I give you 🥁🥁🥁 “THE BIG PICTURE” 

  2. Day 3

    September 27, 2017
    A little bit of #darkness just like in society. I started to draw this on the subway this morning. • I have not set up any rules for this 💯 days project ( except creating and posting something every day ) but I have been drawing so much more each…

  3. Day 2

    September 26, 2017
    I think squares look nice but not as personalities ▪️=👱🏼 | 🙈  “Don’t be a square when you got balls”. When i finished this one I realised I accidentally have made mix of two movies – Borg vs McEnroe and The Square. The last one I still have to catch…

  4. Day 1

    September 25, 2017
    Day 1 of 100 is starting right now. To feel more creative and to be more creative I need to power up, maybe team up, but most of all, be consistent. Therefore I am starting a 100-day illustration project.  Most of the time I illustrate things from my surroundings. On…

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