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Moving hundred days project

Apparently I haven’t uploaded the last weeks illustrations to this blog. I just now decided to showcase all illustrations within my 100-days project on a portfolio page. I think it will look more eye-catching. 

I get a lot of questions about this project and I am really happy that many of my friends support me in this. Yesterday I didn’t post any illustration to my Instagram - but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t illustrating. I was just very busy going from work to a friends house. I guess Fridays are the days most challenging to post “in time”. 

The rules for this project is that I will illustrate something each day for 100 days. 

I have followed that rule - so that feels great! Every day I like to post the days illustration to my Instagram account. Hopefully you can follow me there if you like. 😍

 This was yesterdays illustration DAY 26, and I guess you see the theme.

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